Monday, June 14, 2010

Hi Everybody,I have been on the east coast of the United States for about 3 weeks now. We are visiting family, running Sam around to look at boarding schools, getting Will ready for college, and, of course, shopping. I have been lucky enough to be able to work with my cousin, Lisa. at her catering buisiness to make some much needed cash and have some fun. I think I may have found the one job harder than working in the bilge and it is catering! lol! Very physical and demanding. There is never a dull moment! I got to, not only wash dishes and help with the parties, but also got cook with a good friend who is Lisa's partner and chef.. What a trip to whip up food for 130!!!! I will send some pictures of me in the kitchen soon. For the people who know me, they will be impressed, as kitchens and cooking aren't my strong points. We will be back in Mexico in the middle of July, just in time(or a little late) for hurricane season. As of right now Vltava is being checked on by neighbors as Tim had to head back to Southern California at the beginning of June. We had a small scare the other day when one friend, while dinging past Vltava, Heard the bilge alarm going off. We have had some problems with leaking this past year and really need to get on top of it soon. everything is okay and the problem is under control but it brings up the issue of having to get work done on Vltava ASAP or we will find ourselves in a bad situation. If anyone out there has any creative ideas on how we can raise the cash to get a haulout and save Vltava I would love to hear it! We have estimated we need at least 20,000.00 dollars to work on Vltava's bottom. She hasn't been hauled out in about 6 years, and anyone who knows wood boats, knows how bad that can be. We have Iron sickness around some of the fasteners and they have been the source of most of our problems. I actually listed Vltava with the yacht brokers in La Paz. I don't want to have to sell her but she needs a lot of work and I haven't been able to figure out how to make that happen. I would hate to hold on to her, dreaming, and wait to long for it to be feasable to fix her up. Please send ideas, talk to friends who may want to donate to our cause, people who may be interested in investing in Vltava and/or our school program. I am willing to listen to any creative ideas and suggestions. Thanks, Allison

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

P.S. After the first post there are more pictures so just go back about 5 or 6 posts and you will come to the beginning. Sorry. This is all getting very confusing. ugh! Allison
I realized that I sent the last two posts wrong. You need to go past all the last post and then some pictures to get to the first part of my post. sorry, still getting used to this. Allison