Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I have added a few new pictures from this month to the blog. The weather has finally cooled down so I feel like getting stuff done. My kids are working hard at school and that takes up most of our time. I have been keeping the boat clean and ready as I have a few people coming down to check her out. Still haven't figured out my engine problem but need to get some batteries charged up so I can turn it over when the mechanic comes. Not much else but having fun. If anyone needs to contact me about Vltava, my email is sunbreakeducation@yahoo.com or you can contact Shelly or Mike at lapazyachts@aol.com. Thanks, Allison

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's been over a month since I last wrote and things have calmed down here a lot. The leak got stopped with the help from Kevin(Sunbreak), Tom (Callisto), Mike (Tehani) and me. We've had two blissful weeks with NO water coming in! The problem ended up being a bung, which got loose, and water started to come in around the fastener. The water coming in was never a real problem, it's my bad batteries and lack of pumps which make it a pain. I have had some inquiries about the boat and have met one couple, who fell in love with her on site. They are trying to get the money together. I have some other people who want to come down in the beginning of November and are talking haul out. I would love to see Vltava out of the water. She has to be impressive.
The kids have started school, so that is taking up most of our day. I have been sailing with my friend Mike (Tehani) out to the islands for a few days and on Wednesdays. It has been great, as his boat is a 28 foot Herschoff ketch and all the lines are "my" size. He has been teaching me a lot and is hoping to get me comfortable enough to sail on my own. So, things are good here in Baja. I will try to be better at posting, especially as things with the sale unwind. Allison