Sunday, December 6, 2009

I thought I'd write to just check in and let everyone know we have not disappeared. Things are slow on Vltava for now. The weather is getting chilly and the funds are low so we are just trying to finish things we have the supplies for, mostly painting and repairing little things. Tim is still in the states and will be for another month or two. Tom comes over everyday to help me whereever he can. He has been great and really helpful. With Tim not here I have had to try to fill his shoes and make things work, or, actually, make things work... again. It is a huge responsibility and one you can't really appreciate until you are there. I have learned to appeciate him even more now that he isn't here. WE have been collecting school supplies and have had one potluck, so far. Heather and Shawn from Omshanti came to the potluck with a few cruising guides and the time to answer questions from the cruisers there. It was amazing that almost all of the cruisers at the briefing and potluck had their new cruising guide! It really is the best guide out there and the book is beautiful! Heather and Shawn are heading to the mainland this year to start working on a new mainland cruising guide. We are all waiting patiently( kind of) for it to be done. Also at the potluck, Kevin did one of his fabulous briefings about the islands from La Paz to Loreto. He is so knowledgeable and charming that it is a treat to watch, even if I have heard it 1000 times. Not much else in the near future with us. I am hoping to be able to take Vltava up to San Evaristo to do a short class using the telescope we got a few years ago, but that will probably happen when Tim returns. If anyone out there has any free time and wants to come to a beautiful part of the world and be a part of a great crew on Vltava just let us know. We'd love to have anyone come down and we have the space. I am not sure if our email is around this blog so I'll throw it out there for anyone who'd like to contact us. It's I'll write more soon. Allison

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