Friday, August 13, 2010

It has been about a month since we have returned. it is getting hot down here which makes it hard to want to work during the day. I try to find stuff that needs to be done inside during the heat of the day. I have been chasing leaks around for the past few weeks. they seem to be getting stronger and I find myself needing to pump the bilges twice or three times a day. hard to get away! Vltava really needs a haul out soon. i am worried the leaks will get to be more than I can handle. I have a friend, Gwen, in Delaware who is willing to try to get my non profit going in the states. this is a huge task and I so much appreciate her assistance and enthusiasium!! If I can get a non profit status then i can try to get some grants to help with the upkeep of Vltava and keep the school program afloat. I also have her for sale as I can't stand trying to keep her afloat until she is no longer worth saving. that would break my heart! Vltava needs to be saved. her history and her sea-worthiness are reasons alone to keep her sailing. So there is a lot of emotion tied up with Vltava and what will become of her in the next few years. My dream would be to continue my school program while upgrading Vltava to be ready to do some of the Tallship events in the future. I am only dreaming now but I am here on this beautiful boat and it seems so real. Time to go pump. Allison

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