Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Okay.Isabelle here.I am going to start "taking over" the blog as of tomorrow,so it will be up-dated much more.

Lately,we have been gathering school supplies for San Evaristo. My mom,brother,me and a friend of ours who is a Astronmy teacher are going to head to San Evaristo to teach a week long class.Our plan is head up there last week of April,and we are still collecting donations until then.I was up in San Evaristo just a week or two ago,there were about 13 kids from the ages of seven to twelve.The teacher travels the six hours to La Paz every weekend to see his family,he is normally back at San Evaristo on late Sunday.However,this time we did not see him until late Monday.I think he is debating on moving to Ia Paz to be with his wife and three children.He is doing a wonderful thing staying as long as he has.While we were there we bought some yellow tail tuna from the local fisherman and some handmade corn tortillas from his wife.It turns out that the Mexican goverment is founding the building of some cement buildings .Cement is a big step up from where they were.Normally your house is made from cardboard boxes you tore apart,held with bottle caps and a few nails.Every year they are washed away from hurricanes.When we ask the teacher and other locals what we can bring to help them,they almost always say food staples.Like flour and sugar.We have mostly been staying to school supplies,and every once in a while someone will give us clothes or food.Anything to help!

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