Monday, July 28, 2008

Here are some pictures of me in the Galley and me looking into the chain locker. These were taken in October of last year, when Kevin and I went to Mazatlan to survey the boat. That's when I really fell in love with her! We have gotten some great feedback on the blog. Keep the comments coming. Some people have asked how they can help. Well..... at this point we can take any help we can get. We can use donations of time, money, and supplies. We'd also like to start collecting more school supplies for this next year and San Evaristo. Any monetary donations or supplies can be sent to Allison Porter c/o Peggy Joyce, 10708 Madrona dr., Anderson Island, WA, 98303. At this time all we can give you for your donation would be a big hug, A tee-shirt(when we finally get some) and a promise of a sail on Vltava whenever you are close. We are hoping to get our 501 3c and then all monetary donations could be tax deductible. We also need help with Marketing and accounting. Also if there are an lawyers,or friends of lawyers, that would be willing to advise us on the legalities of everything. As yo can see we pretty much need everything to get this ball rolling. If you have an idea of how you could be involved we would love to hear it!!!! We are not to proud to beg. This is a group effort and a possible dream come true. We're really looking forward to the opportunity of expanding the programs we have become so attached to. Thanks ahead of time for helping this all come together! As far as progress goes, Tim and Billy are already working on the exhaust riser in their perspective cities. We will know today who gets to put it all together. It looks like Kevin and Mike, from the sailing vessel Aquavit, will be heading to Mazatlan tomorrow night(Tuesday,29th- Kevin birthday) To make the final push and get Vltava moving. We are hoping that they can leave Mazatlan by the 2nd of August. Our good friend Clarke is meeting them over there on the first so we have a good crew for the crossing. I can't thank all these guys enough as they are doing this all for free and they are still smiling. We also want to thank the people who have sent donations and supplies already , the minute they heard our news. It is really amazing the support we are getting and I just can't thank you all enough! Okay enough mushy stuff, I may start crying! Thanks, Allison


flyingfish said...

Nice job with the new blog. The boat is beautiful and huge. Big job. Lots of good friends.
If you can make up a list of boat parts that you will need over the winter, we can start looking for them at the used marine stores.

Happy birthday, Kevin.

Bob, Jo and Jocko

zaslowb said...

I miss the crap outta you guys! This blog is great and you're officially at the top of my bookmarks.

My dad was in advertising for twenty something years, so let me know whenever you need marketing materials or whatever, and he'd be more than happy to write something for you.

See you soon!

p.s. Allison is dreamy
