Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here are some pictures that were sent today. I can't figure out how to rotate the boat pic so bear with me. Will is having a good time even though he isn't very comfortable. ^0 knots of wind blew in last night and dmped a ton of rain. This allhappened about 2:30 am. Good thing they were there to pump the bilge! Will has also been working hard in very humid conditions. He says he has been eaten alive by mosquitos. All that is left to do on the boat is to find an exhaust riser. It is the part of the engine that keeps the salt water from coming back in to the engine through the exhaust. I am going to help our friend Billy make one. Kevin will take it with him when he heads over in a few days. I will let you know how that all goes on Monday. Allison

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