Monday, September 1, 2008

The kids and I are still on the east coast getting ready to take Will, our oldest back to school. Work on Vltava is progressing slowly as Kevin has been out on back to back charters and we are very low on supplies. Tim has been working on some wood projects down below and probably, knowing him, is "tasking" on anything he can get his hands on. I have been collecting info on Non profits and meeting with a few people from some schools around here to see if I can drum up someone who would like to connect themselves with us and the kids. We are hoping to be able to find a classroom or two that would be interested in our school projects. The kids decide on a project for the year and we forge ahead to try to make it all happen. Some of the past projects have been getting a generator donated, a telescope donated and last year we filled 33 backpacks with age appropriate supplies for all the kids in San Evaristo and the neighboring island of coyote. All of our projects have come about with donations from friends. It has been really amazing how the community of boaters in La Paz have been so generous! We have not finalized our idea of a project this year so we still have room for suggestions. Anyone with ideas please send them along. We would really love to be able to include others interested in what we are doing so please make suggestions. Our email address is You can also post comments here and we can respond to those also. I want to remind you all that any donations of money or supplies would be much appreciated. We have a lot of work ahead on the schooner and are really excited about having the "big"boat to expand our programs. I will be meeting with a friend of mine who works with the city of La Paz on environmental programs. We are hoping to help educate the kids on the importance of recycling along with bringing much needed supplies to the schools. We have been in contact with Faber- Castell, one of the largest school suppliers in the world, and they are willing to make donations. If there is anyone heading to La Paz that could bring some supplies down with them get in touch with me and I can have them shipped to where ever. The problem of shipping them to Mexico is that after import duties and other taxes is is cheaper to buy them locally so anyone with a boat or car heading down would be a great help.Since I am not on my own computer I have no new pictures and as it is hurricane season and most of us are in the states so you will have to wait to get anything new. sorry. Allison

1 comment:

Tina said...

Yo Ho Porters! Happy Day After Pumpkin Pie For Breakfast Day. Hope you survived yet another hurricane season. We look forward to hearing more La Paz adventures. Rest assured, the MacQuodges of Anderson Island miss ya' all a bunch.